sbobet is an online bookmaker with operations in Asia licensed by the Philippines and Europe licensed by Isle of Man. Its website features a range of betting markets on international sports and events. Signing up is free and requires basic details like country of residence, email address and password. You are also asked to verify your identity by sending scanned copies of your Medicare card and driver’s licence. The SBOBET interface is more customisable than most other bookmakers and you can tailor the order of events displayed to suit your preferences. You can also choose to accept better odds should the odds change after you have placed a bet.

The Operator reserves the right to void any bets placed by an End User which involve artificial intelligence and the use of software that is designed to hack, attack, manipulate or damage the operator’s normal betting operations (including the Website). Any such bets will be deemed void without notification.

SBOBET has an impressive range of sporting events to bet on, from major leagues to obscure niches. Its selection isn’t as deep as Bet365 but it should meet the needs of most punters. The operator’s focus on Asian markets means that it is well-stocked with 0.00 Asian Handicap wagering. Using the head-to-head markets is a good way to get started with this type of bet. You can also find Asian Handicap markets for live matches on the In-Running page of the site.